Friday, January 31, 2014

Homemade Moisturizing Cream

Tonight I made the skin cream I've been dying to try for weeks now. It's one of the first recipes I found in my chemical-free products adventure. This one only requires two ingredients: coconut oil and vitamin E oil. Super easy AND I love anything coconut so naturally I'm all in. Here's the breakdown.

Step 1.
Gather supplies.

That should be easy enough. I bought the coconut oil at my local grocery store in the baking aisle. The vitamin E oil I ordered from Together they cost me about ten dollars. Not bad considering I'll be using minimal amounts of both, which ends up being waaaaay cheaper than an off-the-shelf moisturizer. I call that a wallet win.

Step 2.
Throw some coconut oil and vitamin E oil in a mixing bowl.

It doesn't look too promising at first. Coconut oil is fairly solid and it took me a few minutes to scrape it out of the jar. I used about 2/3 cup, as the recipe suggested. You can't see it, but there's just under one tablespoon of the vitamin E oil on top of that, which takes forever to pour out of the bottle. Totally worth it though.

Step 3.
Whip it good.

I used a hand mixer, but you can use whatever you prefer. Stand mixer, a whisk and brute strength, the Force, whatever. The end result should still be the same. Creamy perfection. I mixed for about 5-7 minutes. Looks kinda like homemade frosting. Does not taste like it though. Just trust me on this one. 

Step 4. 
Test it!

As one should expect, since this product is made of two natural oils, when it's first applied it will cause the skin to look oily. But it's not the greasy kind of oily. I was a bit taken aback at first, but I could still grip a doorknob and twist with ease. Pretty neat. Plus, these two oils will not clog the pores so don't be afraid to try it on your face. Once it fully absorbed my skin felt smooth as a baby's butt. Not that I go around caressing baby bottoms, but you know what I mean. 

Step 5. 
Contain the magic.

Put your new favorite skin cream in a jar or container of some sort so it may be stored properly. You do not have to refrigerate this product, but I do recommend storing it out of direct sunlight and in a room-temp place. Refrigeration will make the coconut oil too hard to apply and too much heat will melt the oils. I put mine in a plastic food container since it's just for my personal use. If you are making gifts for others and need fancier types of containers, I recommend this company that allows you to purchase online in bulk for decent prices.

Overall impression:

I dig it. My next little experiment will be to try this on my face. Even though I've been using The Oil Cleansing Method, my skin is still a bit dry thanks to the New England winter dry air. This past week I've been putting just the vitamin E oil on the dry spots and it seems to be working nicely. I'm excited to see how the coconut moisturizer works. I'll keep you updated!

Stay tuned! Future posts will include adventures in homemade lip balm, deodorant, toothpaste and even laundry soap!


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